griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID
/erddap/tabledap/allDatasets.subset /erddap/tabledap/allDatasets /erddap/tabledap/allDatasets.graph * The List of All Active Datasets in this ERDDAP * This dataset is a table which has a row of information for each dataset currently active in this ERDDAP. cdm_data_type = Other VARIABLES: datasetID (Dataset ID) accessible institution dataStructure (Data Structure) cdm_data_type (Common Data Model Type) class (ERDDAP Class) title minLongitude (Minimum Longitude, degrees_east) maxLongitude (Maximum Longitude, degrees_east) longitudeSpacing (Average Grid Longitude Spacing, degrees_east) minLatitude (Minimum Latitude, degrees_north) maxLatitude (Maximum Latitude, degrees_north) latitudeSpacing (Average Grid Latitude Spacing, degrees_north) minAltitude (Minimum Altitude (or negative Depth), m) maxAltitude (Maximum Altitude (or negative Depth), m) minTime (Minimum Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) maxTime (Maximum Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) timeSpacing (Average Grid Time Spacing, seconds) griddap (Base URL of OPeNDAP Grid Service) subset (URL of Subset Web Page) tabledap (Base URL of OPeNDAP Table/Sequence Service) MakeAGraph (URL of Make-A-Graph Web Page) sos (Base URL of SOS Service) wcs (Base URL of WCS Service) wms (Base URL of WMS Service) files (Base URL of "files" Service) ... (10 more variables) /erddap/info/allDatasets/index.xhtml NODC OGS allDatasets
/erddap/tabledap/EUT_ARCTIC_PROFILES_2024 /erddap/tabledap/EUT_ARCTIC_PROFILES_2024.graph /erddap/files/EUT_ARCTIC_PROFILES_2024/ Eutrophication v2024 Arctic Ocean Profiles Eutrophication v2024 Arctic Ocean Profiles cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: Cruise (Dataset grouping Label) Station (Dataset Label) Type (Type of data ('C' for CTD and XBT profile                     data;'B'for bottle profile data. For time series, trajectories,                     etc.'B' for small (<250 rows) row_groups or 'C' for larger                     row_groups. Alternatively it can be set to a default value of '*')) time (YYYY-MM-DD THH:MM:SS.SSS, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) LOCAL_CDI_ID (SeaDataNet CDI Identifier) EDMO_code (European Directory of Marine Organisations code for the CDI                     partner) Bot_Depth (Bathymetric water depth in metres where the sample was                     collected or measurement was made) Instrument_Info Codes_in_Originator_File (Parameter codes in Originator file) P35_Contributor_Codes (EMODnet Chemistry aggregated Parameter Codes) References Comments Data_set_name Discipline (SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines) Category (SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups) Variables_measured (SeaDataNet Variables measured) Data_format Data_format_version Data_size Data_set_creation_date Datum Measuring_area_type Water_depth (Water Depth [m]) Depth_reference (Depth) Minimum_instrument_depth (Minimum Instrument Depth [m]) ... (76 more variables) /erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/EUT_ARCTIC_PROFILES_2024_fgdc.xml /erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/EUT_ARCTIC_PROFILES_2024_iso19115.xml /erddap/info/EUT_ARCTIC_PROFILES_2024/index.xhtml /erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=EUT_ARCTIC_PROFILES_2024&showErrors=false&email= EMODnet Chemistry EUT_ARCTIC_PROFILES_2024
/erddap/tabledap/EUT_ATLANTIC_PROFILES_2024 /erddap/tabledap/EUT_ATLANTIC_PROFILES_2024.graph /erddap/files/EUT_ATLANTIC_PROFILES_2024/ Eutrophication v2024 Atlantic Ocean Profiles Eutrophication v2024 Atlantic Ocean Profiles cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: Cruise (Dataset grouping Label) Station (Dataset Label) Type (Type of data ('C' for CTD and XBT profile                     data;'B'for bottle profile data. For time series, trajectories,                     etc.'B' for small (<250 rows) row_groups or 'C' for larger                     row_groups. Alternatively it can be set to a default value of '*')) time (YYYY-MM-DD THH:MM:SS.SSS, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) LOCAL_CDI_ID (SeaDataNet CDI Identifier) EDMO_code (European Directory of Marine Organisations code for the CDI                     partner) Bot_Depth (Bathymetric water depth in metres where the sample was                     collected or measurement was made) Instrument_Info Codes_in_Originator_File (Parameter codes in Originator file) P35_Contributor_Codes (EMODnet Chemistry aggregated Parameter Codes) References Comments Data_set_name Discipline (SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines) Category (SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups) Variables_measured (SeaDataNet Variables measured) Data_format Data_format_version Data_size Data_set_creation_date Datum Measuring_area_type Water_depth (Water Depth [m]) Depth_reference (Depth) Minimum_instrument_depth (Minimum Instrument Depth [m]) ... (98 more variables) /erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/EUT_ATLANTIC_PROFILES_2024_fgdc.xml /erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/EUT_ATLANTIC_PROFILES_2024_iso19115.xml /erddap/info/EUT_ATLANTIC_PROFILES_2024/index.xhtml /erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=EUT_ATLANTIC_PROFILES_2024&showErrors=false&email= EMODnet Chemistry EUT_ATLANTIC_PROFILES_2024
/erddap/tabledap/EUT_ATLANTIC_TIMESERIES_2024 /erddap/tabledap/EUT_ATLANTIC_TIMESERIES_2024.graph /erddap/files/EUT_ATLANTIC_TIMESERIES_2024/ Eutrophication v2024 Atlantic Ocean Timeseries Eutrophication v2024 Atlantic Ocean Timeseries cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: Cruise (Dataset grouping Label) Station (Dataset Label) Type (Type of data ('C' for CTD and XBT profile                     data;'B'for bottle profile data. For time series, trajectories,                     etc.'B' for small (<250 rows) row_groups or 'C' for larger                     row_groups. Alternatively it can be set to a default value of '*')) time (YYYY-MM-DD THH:MM:SS.SSS, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) LOCAL_CDI_ID (SeaDataNet CDI Identifier) EDMO_code (European Directory of Marine Organisations code for the CDI                     partner) Bot_Depth (Bathymetric water depth in metres where the sample was                     collected or measurement was made) Instrument_Info Codes_in_Originator_File (Parameter codes in Originator file) P35_Contributor_Codes (EMODnet Chemistry aggregated Parameter Codes) References Comments Data_set_name Discipline (SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines) Category (SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups) Variables_measured (SeaDataNet Variables measured) Data_format Data_format_version Data_size Data_set_creation_date Datum Measuring_area_type Water_depth (Water Depth [m]) Depth_reference (Depth) Minimum_instrument_depth (Minimum Instrument Depth [m]) ... (62 more variables) /erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/EUT_ATLANTIC_TIMESERIES_2024_fgdc.xml /erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/EUT_ATLANTIC_TIMESERIES_2024_iso19115.xml /erddap/info/EUT_ATLANTIC_TIMESERIES_2024/index.xhtml /erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=EUT_ATLANTIC_TIMESERIES_2024&showErrors=false&email= EMODnet Chemistry EUT_ATLANTIC_TIMESERIES_2024
/erddap/tabledap/EUT_BALTIC_PROFILES_2024 /erddap/tabledap/EUT_BALTIC_PROFILES_2024.graph /erddap/files/EUT_BALTIC_PROFILES_2024/ Eutrophication v2024 Baltic Sea Profiles Eutrophication v2024 Baltic Sea Profiles cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: Cruise (Dataset grouping Label) Station (Dataset Label) Type (Type of data ('C' for CTD and XBT profile                     data;'B'for bottle profile data. For time series, trajectories,                     etc.'B' for small (<250 rows) row_groups or 'C' for larger                     row_groups. Alternatively it can be set to a default value of '*')) time (YYYY-MM-DD THH:MM:SS.SSS, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) LOCAL_CDI_ID (SeaDataNet CDI Identifier) EDMO_code (European Directory of Marine Organisations code for the CDI                     partner) Bot_Depth (Bathymetric water depth in metres where the sample was                     collected or measurement was made) Instrument_Info Codes_in_Originator_File (Parameter codes in Originator file) P35_Contributor_Codes (EMODnet Chemistry aggregated Parameter Codes) References Comments Data_set_name Discipline (SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines) Category (SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups) Variables_measured (SeaDataNet Variables measured) Data_format Data_format_version Data_size Data_set_creation_date Datum Measuring_area_type Water_depth (Water Depth [m]) Depth_reference (Depth) Minimum_instrument_depth (Minimum Instrument Depth [m]) ... (77 more variables) /erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/EUT_BALTIC_PROFILES_2024_fgdc.xml /erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/EUT_BALTIC_PROFILES_2024_iso19115.xml /erddap/info/EUT_BALTIC_PROFILES_2024/index.xhtml /erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=EUT_BALTIC_PROFILES_2024&showErrors=false&email= EMODnet Chemistry EUT_BALTIC_PROFILES_2024
/erddap/tabledap/EUT_BALTIC_TIMESERIES_2024 /erddap/tabledap/EUT_BALTIC_TIMESERIES_2024.graph /erddap/files/EUT_BALTIC_TIMESERIES_2024/ Eutrophication v2024 Baltic Sea Timeseries Eutrophication v2024 Baltic Sea Timeseries cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: Cruise (Dataset grouping Label) Station (Dataset Label) Type (Type of data ('C' for CTD and XBT profile                     data;'B'for bottle profile data. For time series, trajectories,                     etc.'B' for small (<250 rows) row_groups or 'C' for larger                     row_groups. Alternatively it can be set to a default value of '*')) time (YYYY-MM-DD THH:MM:SS.SSS, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) LOCAL_CDI_ID (SeaDataNet CDI Identifier) EDMO_code (European Directory of Marine Organisations code for the CDI                     partner) Bot_Depth (Bathymetric water depth in metres where the sample was                     collected or measurement was made) Instrument_Info Codes_in_Originator_File (Parameter codes in Originator file) P35_Contributor_Codes (EMODnet Chemistry aggregated Parameter Codes) References Comments Data_set_name Discipline (SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines) Category (SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups) Variables_measured (SeaDataNet Variables measured) Data_format Data_format_version Data_size Data_set_creation_date Datum Measuring_area_type Water_depth (Water Depth [m]) Depth_reference (Depth) Minimum_instrument_depth (Minimum Instrument Depth [m]) ... (53 more variables) /erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/EUT_BALTIC_TIMESERIES_2024_fgdc.xml /erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/EUT_BALTIC_TIMESERIES_2024_iso19115.xml /erddap/info/EUT_BALTIC_TIMESERIES_2024/index.xhtml /erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=EUT_BALTIC_TIMESERIES_2024&showErrors=false&email= EMODnet Chemistry EUT_BALTIC_TIMESERIES_2024
/erddap/tabledap/EUT_BLACKSEA_PROFILES_2024 /erddap/tabledap/EUT_BLACKSEA_PROFILES_2024.graph /erddap/files/EUT_BLACKSEA_PROFILES_2024/ Eutrophication v2024 Black Sea Profiles Eutrophication v2024 Black Sea Profiles cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: Cruise (Dataset grouping Label) Station (Dataset Label) Type (Type of data ('C' for CTD and XBT profile                     data;'B'for bottle profile data. For time series, trajectories,                     etc.'B' for small (<250 rows) row_groups or 'C' for larger                     row_groups. Alternatively it can be set to a default value of '*')) time (YYYY-MM-DD THH:MM:SS.SSS, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) LOCAL_CDI_ID (SeaDataNet CDI Identifier) EDMO_code (European Directory of Marine Organisations code for the CDI                     partner) Bot_Depth (Bathymetric water depth in metres where the sample was                     collected or measurement was made) Instrument_Info Codes_in_Originator_File (Parameter codes in Originator file) P35_Contributor_Codes (EMODnet Chemistry aggregated Parameter Codes) References Comments Data_set_name Discipline (SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines) Category (SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups) Variables_measured (SeaDataNet Variables measured) Data_format Data_format_version Data_size Data_set_creation_date Datum Measuring_area_type Water_depth (Water Depth [m]) Depth_reference (Depth) Minimum_instrument_depth (Minimum Instrument Depth [m]) ... (72 more variables) /erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/EUT_BLACKSEA_PROFILES_2024_fgdc.xml /erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/EUT_BLACKSEA_PROFILES_2024_iso19115.xml /erddap/info/EUT_BLACKSEA_PROFILES_2024/index.xhtml /erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=EUT_BLACKSEA_PROFILES_2024&showErrors=false&email= EMODnet Chemistry EUT_BLACKSEA_PROFILES_2024
/erddap/tabledap/EUT_MED_PROFILES_2024 /erddap/tabledap/EUT_MED_PROFILES_2024.graph /erddap/files/EUT_MED_PROFILES_2024/ Eutrophication v2024 Mediterranean Sea Profiles Eutrophication v2024 Mediterranean Sea Profiles cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: Cruise (Dataset grouping Label) Station (Dataset Label) Type (Type of data ('C' for CTD and XBT profile                     data;'B'for bottle profile data. For time series, trajectories,                     etc.'B' for small (<250 rows) row_groups or 'C' for larger                     row_groups. Alternatively it can be set to a default value of '*')) time (YYYY-MM-DD THH:MM:SS.SSS, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) LOCAL_CDI_ID (SeaDataNet CDI Identifier) EDMO_code (European Directory of Marine Organisations code for the CDI                     partner) Bot_Depth (Bathymetric water depth in metres where the sample was                     collected or measurement was made) Instrument_Info Codes_in_Originator_File (Parameter codes in Originator file) P35_Contributor_Codes (EMODnet Chemistry aggregated Parameter Codes) References Comments Data_set_name Discipline (SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines) Category (SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups) Variables_measured (SeaDataNet Variables measured) Data_format Data_format_version Data_size Data_set_creation_date Datum Measuring_area_type Water_depth (Water Depth [m]) Depth_reference (SeaDataNet depth measurement reference planes) Minimum_instrument_depth (Minimum Instrument Depth [m]) ... (86 more variables) /erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/EUT_MED_PROFILES_2024_fgdc.xml /erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/EUT_MED_PROFILES_2024_iso19115.xml /erddap/info/EUT_MED_PROFILES_2024/index.xhtml /erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=EUT_MED_PROFILES_2024&showErrors=false&email= EMODnet Chemistry EUT_MED_PROFILES_2024
/erddap/tabledap/EUT_MED_TIMESERIES_2024 /erddap/tabledap/EUT_MED_TIMESERIES_2024.graph /erddap/files/EUT_MED_TIMESERIES_2024/ Eutrophication v2024 Mediterranean Sea Timeseries Eutrophication v2024 Mediterranean Sea Timeseries cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: Cruise (Dataset grouping Label) Station (Dataset Label) Type (Type of data ('C' for CTD and XBT profile                     data;'B'for bottle profile data. For time series, trajectories,                     etc.'B' for small (<250 rows) row_groups or 'C' for larger                     row_groups. Alternatively it can be set to a default value of '*')) time (YYYY-MM-DD THH:MM:SS.SSS, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) LOCAL_CDI_ID (SeaDataNet CDI Identifier) EDMO_code (European Directory of Marine Organisations code for the CDI                     partner) Bot_Depth (Bathymetric water depth in metres where the sample was                     collected or measurement was made) Instrument_Info Codes_in_Originator_File (Parameter codes in Originator file) P35_Contributor_Codes (EMODnet Chemistry aggregated Parameter Codes) References Comments Data_set_name Discipline (SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines) Category (SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups) Variables_measured (SeaDataNet Variables measured) Data_format Data_format_version Data_size Data_set_creation_date Datum Measuring_area_type Water_depth (Water Depth [m]) Depth_reference (Depth) Minimum_instrument_depth (Minimum Instrument Depth [m]) ... (84 more variables) /erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/EUT_MED_TIMESERIES_2024_fgdc.xml /erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/EUT_MED_TIMESERIES_2024_iso19115.xml /erddap/info/EUT_MED_TIMESERIES_2024/index.xhtml /erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=EUT_MED_TIMESERIES_2024&showErrors=false&email= EMODnet Chemistry EUT_MED_TIMESERIES_2024
/erddap/tabledap/EUT_NORTHSEA_PROFILES_2024 /erddap/tabledap/EUT_NORTHSEA_PROFILES_2024.graph /erddap/files/EUT_NORTHSEA_PROFILES_2024/ Eutrophication v2024 North Sea Profiles Eutrophication v2024 North Sea Profiles cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: Cruise (Dataset grouping Label) Station (Dataset Label) Type (Type of data ('C' for CTD and XBT profile                     data;'B'for bottle profile data. For time series, trajectories,                     etc.'B' for small (<250 rows) row_groups or 'C' for larger                     row_groups. Alternatively it can be set to a default value of '*')) time (YYYY-MM-DD THH:MM:SS.SSS, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) LOCAL_CDI_ID (SeaDataNet CDI Identifier) EDMO_code (European Directory of Marine Organisations code for the CDI                     partner) Bot_Depth (Bathymetric water depth in metres where the sample was                     collected or measurement was made) Instrument_Info Codes_in_Originator_File (Parameter codes in Originator file) P35_Contributor_Codes (EMODnet Chemistry aggregated Parameter Codes) References Comments Data_set_name Discipline (SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines) Category (SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups) Variables_measured (SeaDataNet Variables measured) Data_format Data_format_version Data_size Data_set_creation_date Datum Measuring_area_type Water_depth (Water Depth [m]) Depth_reference (Depth) Minimum_instrument_depth (Minimum Instrument Depth [m]) ... (71 more variables) /erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/EUT_NORTHSEA_PROFILES_2024_fgdc.xml /erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/EUT_NORTHSEA_PROFILES_2024_iso19115.xml /erddap/info/EUT_NORTHSEA_PROFILES_2024/index.xhtml /erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=EUT_NORTHSEA_PROFILES_2024&showErrors=false&email= EMODnet Chemistry EUT_NORTHSEA_PROFILES_2024
/erddap/tabledap/EUT_NORTHSEA_TIMESERIES_2024 /erddap/tabledap/EUT_NORTHSEA_TIMESERIES_2024.graph /erddap/files/EUT_NORTHSEA_TIMESERIES_2024/ Eutrophication v2024 North Sea Timeseries Eutrophication v2024 North Sea Timeseries cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: Cruise (Dataset grouping Label) Station (Dataset Label) Type (Type of data ('C' for CTD and XBT profile                     data;'B'for bottle profile data. For time series, trajectories,                     etc.'B' for small (<250 rows) row_groups or 'C' for larger                     row_groups. Alternatively it can be set to a default value of '*')) time (YYYY-MM-DD THH:MM:SS.SSS, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) LOCAL_CDI_ID (SeaDataNet CDI Identifier) EDMO_code (European Directory of Marine Organisations code for the CDI                     partner) Bot_Depth (Bathymetric water depth in metres where the sample was                     collected or measurement was made) Instrument_Info Codes_in_Originator_File (Parameter codes in Originator file) P35_Contributor_Codes (EMODnet Chemistry aggregated Parameter Codes) References Comments Data_set_name Discipline (SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines) Category (SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups) Variables_measured (SeaDataNet Variables measured) Data_format Data_format_version Data_size Data_set_creation_date Datum Measuring_area_type Water_depth (Water Depth [m]) Depth_reference (Depth) Minimum_instrument_depth (Minimum Instrument Depth [m]) ... (55 more variables) /erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/EUT_NORTHSEA_TIMESERIES_2024_fgdc.xml /erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/EUT_NORTHSEA_TIMESERIES_2024_iso19115.xml /erddap/info/EUT_NORTHSEA_TIMESERIES_2024/index.xhtml /erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=EUT_NORTHSEA_TIMESERIES_2024&showErrors=false&email= EMODnet Chemistry EUT_NORTHSEA_TIMESERIES_2024